건축물 내·외부 Design요소의 인지특성에 관한 상관관계분석
원광대학교 | 288 pages| 2007.06.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1377 다운로드 1
Architecture lies in environments where each realm is mixed and communicated as a link between interior area and exterior area, link between cities and nature, link between nature and buildings. Observers experiencing architecture have their doubts on the realm where they belong so that they try to redefine the space. That means modern architecture makes the identity of things indefinite so that it makes observers reinterpret itself. It means that modern architecture eliminates the boundary of interior and exterior by making observers feel convenient of the interior areas in the exterior areas(internalization of the exterior areas) and by making observers feel inconvenient in the interior areas in a way that observers feel exposed alone to the nature(externalization of the interior areas). Interior space and exterior space in architecture are not independent any more. The outer layer of the architecture is integrated into the structure or changed into the elements composing space itself. In addition, the boundary of the inner and the outer which has been considered separate is being blurred. Realistically, architecture planning process restricted to the specific concept has confronted discrepancy suggesting ideal form which doesn`t exists in real architecture space by performing.
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